Friday, November 28, 2008

There is Only One Economic Problem

There is really only one economic problem left to solve. The world has an enormous labor surplus. The notion that we have to produce 'something' in order to survive economically needs to be completely rethought.

Most jobs today are little more than keeping people busy. They do little to help anyone, other than the lords of our intractable economic system.

We now have the means to feed and shelter everyone. The only barriers to making this a reality are political and economic. Current economic theories are now a hindrance to progress.

If our enormous labor capacity was directed properly, we would all probably work 4-6 hours a day and enjoy a high living standard.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Religion, capitalism, communism, name-your-ism can all be lumped into the category of fanaticism. Any ism, above all else, glorifies fanaticism. Sacrificing ones life and killing others for your ism is encouraged.

Fanaticism is the end result of all isms, toward which all isms gravitate. The pull is to hard to resist, and eventually even well meaning isms are corrupted by the fanatics.

If you see another person fanatical about anything, realize this - that person is insane. Act accordingly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


An anti-human philosophy is one that subjugates man to something other than human needs. For religion, it's subjugation to an imaginary sky god. For capitalism, it's subjugation to money.

Since most governments are influenced (or even defined by) one the the monotheistic religions, they inherit the profound anti-humanism of that respective religion.

Why can't the board of directors and officers of corporations be duty bound to 'improve human conditions', rather than increasing profits? Why can't the goal of religions be to 'improve human conditions' rather than preparing us for an imaginary future beyond death?

It makes no sense. We spend most of our lives oiling a perpetual motion machine. Our time is wasted. If we spent all our time on human needs, then everyone would be clothed, sheltered, and fed, and we would all work half as much as we do today. We have the means to do this, just not the will.

The only way to trick the public into this tragedy is by conning us into believing in one of the many choices of anti-humanism available today.

Make your choice.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Religion is one big excuse for god

If you define god as being omniscient and omnipotent, then you have no recourse but to develop a philosophy of god that is mostly one giant excuse for god not acting in the world. The reasoning is something like this "since god is omniscient and omnipotent, something must be wrong with humans, since he's obviously not taking care of us". Hence the anti-human leanings of all religions.

Note to the religious cowards out there - instead of spending your time making excuses for god, demand that god put up or shut up. If he exists and can take care of the world, then he must.

Look at the vast power that exists in the universe. And look at the measly amount given to us residing on this planet. If this is the best god can do, then god has failed.